Pressure Ulcers

Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores or pressure sores, are wounds that develop when there is prolonged pressure on the skin and underlying tissues. They are common in individuals who are bedridden or have limited mobility, and they typically occur in areas where the bone is close to the skin surface, such as the hips, back, and heels.

Pressure ulcers can also occur due to friction or shear forces, which can cause damage to the skin and underlying tissues. Other risk factors for pressure ulcers include poor nutrition, dehydration, and incontinence.

Pressure ulcers can range from mild to severe and may appear as redness, blisters, or open wounds. They can be painful and can lead to serious complications such as infection, sepsis, and even death.

Prevention and early intervention are crucial in managing pressure ulcers. This may include regularly changing positions, using special mattresses or cushions to reduce pressure, and keeping the skin clean and moisturized. Treatment may involve wound care, antibiotics for infection, and surgery in severe cases.